Hello there....how have you been?
I know.....I have been completely missing from here...and for no real reason...
other than the lack of time. Last week just flew....it went by in a flurry of activity. I have been absolutely buried in work....., but more than that, what has kept me totally consumed is the planning and prepping for an upcoming trip. The three of us are going away for a vacation (fingers crossed)....not just A vacation, but one that I have always dreamt of......and one that I have planned and cancelled (at different stages) multiple times. Finally...., its happening! Yayyyy! .......more details on that later;)
I have tonnes of things to share with you all.....I have made lots of promises and haven't kept them. Yes, I haven't been good about it. Only if there were a few more hours in a day.
(Patty, I totally hear you:)).
So today, I will not make any promises. I will be here as and when I can....
This month seems jam packed with activity. As if the festivities- Dussehra, Diwali, Halloween- were not enough to keep me on my toes, I added a long awaited trip to the mix....yes, I like to be be super SUPER busy.
Hope you have a wonderful week...I'll see you around:)
Joining the Weekly Story at Patty's